




The blog system of Shenyang University provides a new platform for the school’s online communication and a new way of communication between students and students and between students and teachers. In the past, Shenyang University usually pushes important notifications and some useful articles for students through the WeChat public account. Contemporary college students have become accustomed to online communication. The development of the Shenyang University blog system can effectively solve the problem of a single communication method and exercise students’ expressions. Ability and writing ability.
The system uses SSM to build the framework, JSP technology to complete the design of the front-end page, and complete the dynamic and static design of the front-end page in css, so that the system page looks beautiful and the functions are fully distributed. The Java software Eclipse completes the code work.
The main functions of the system include: register and log in, publish blogs, bookmark blogs, follow bloggers, comment on blogs, modify personal information, view watchlists, view favorites, and administrators manage bloggers’ blogs. The more distinctive feature of this system is the ability to filter inappropriate comments posted by bloggers, and this blog system has two roles, super administrator and ordinary administrator, which can efficiently manage bloggers and blogs. After the Shenyang University blog system was completed as expected, several important modules were tested and the problems in the system were solved.



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